Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Or Goren and back in 2016 I made one of the best decisions of my life – I moved to London (and the UK.)
However, moving to a new country or city can be quite intimidating – so many new things to learn, new people to meet, and a big whirlwind of financial decisions to make.
To this day, I’m still learning and discovering new things about London – so why not help others as well?
In addition to being a news editor and a writer for many years, I’m also a blogger, with over 20 years of internet writing under my belt.
What Is The Savvy Londoner? Who Is It For?
Have you recently moved to London? Then this blog is for you. Are you thinking about moving to London? Then this blog is for you.
But wait! Maybe you’ve lived in London for years, and you STILL don’t know how to get the best deals on movie tickets. Or how to make some extra money with some weird gigs around the city. Then this blog is for you.
And as a personal finance blogger, I also tend to write about getting out of debt, and budgeting, and ditching your bank after they stop being nice to you. If that sounds interesting – then this blog is for you.
Since Savvy Londoner is rather new, a lot of the content is still being written – so keep coming back for more.
Oh, and if you want to save a lot of money on your TV watching – check out my UK cord cutting blog – Cord Busters.
Contact Me
Have something to say? A question to ask? A suggestion to make?
Drop me a note directly to editor(at)savvylondoner.co.uk
Please note: we DO NOT accept SEO guest posts, link insertions and the like, and such e-mails will be reported as spam.